Cloud architectures, hyperscalers, Big Data – buzzwords that are no longer new, but still relevant to many organizations and their decision makers. We shed light on these and other topics in three presentations. We will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Cloud Native for the development of large systems and show how applications that have to process several million events per second can be designed with the help of concrete projects. Afterwards, we would like to discuss this with you over snacks & drinks.
Target group: management, software architects, software developers
May 10, 2023, Hamburg // June 20, 2023, Cologne // October 12, 2023, Wiesbaden
SCOOP Software GmbH, Holzdamm 57, 20099 Hamburg
SCOOP Software GmbH, Eiler Straße 3P – Gut Maarhausen, 51107 Cologne
Heimathafen Altes Gericht, Konferenzraum Schwurgerichtssaal, Gerichtstraße 2, 65185 Wiesbaden
Your contact for further questions:
Christel Bernschneider, +49 176 24286069 [email protected]
14:00 – 18:00
Program item
Registration & Welcome
14:15 - 15:00
Clemens Landsberg
15:00 - 15:05
15:05 - 16:05
Theo Diefenthal
15:50 - 16:10
Coffee break
16:10 - 17:00
Michael Schaefers
17:00 - 17:15
Questions & Answers
Dr. Wolfgang Reddig
from 17:15
We are looking forward to numerous registrations and an exciting event together with you. The participation is free of charge for you.
Hyperscalers in modern software architectures
Clemens Landsberg
What are Hyperscalers? How does it change software development?
What impact does it have on the architecture and design of the software?
These and other questions about hyperscalers are answered, and their advantages and disadvantages are discussed. In addition, important aspects regarding the migration of existing systems are touched upon.
Clemens Landsberg
Senior Software developer at SCOOP. His interests and Expertise lies in the areas of Big Data, Stream Processing, DevOps and performance optimization of any kind.Big Data Evolution
Theo Diefenthal
Big Data has a history that now spans some two decades.
We want to look at what evolution(s) have taken place,
which new use cases have been opened up, but also what has been learned from the
concepts has remained.
After the lecture, modern terms such as Streamhouse and Delta Lake
be more tangible. We will see where Big Data stands today and where the journey
from the speaker’s point of view will go in the near future.
Theo Diefenthal
Senior Software developer at SCOOP. His interests and Expertise lies in the areas of Big Data, Stream Processing, DevOps and performance optimization of any kind.SIEM in practice – a customized success story
Michael Schaefers
How do I evaluate my Big Data streams in real time? How do I identify complex patterns in my network and log data? And how do I react quickly to recognized dangerous situations? How do I connect new data sources in a timely manner?
On the basis of an individually developed SIEM system, we show how a
highly scalable solution for detecting misuse and attack scenarios. We highlight the connection of very heterogeneous data sources, go into the technology stack used (especially Cloudera) and look at the theory behind the complex topic of real-time event processing.